Hahko Meets Lévyne
I’m very excited to have the very first returning guest ever this week, and it’s my favorite alt-popper LA-VEE-NA
Levyne was one of the podcast’s early guests, before we moved into Poynton Studio’s and onto the iconic green couch, and it felt right to invite Sophie back for the full ‘professional’ experience thanks to Producer Benji & the Poynton team.

A lot had also happened for Lèvyne since we last talked including getting funding, music videos & festival performances as well as me learning to pronounce her name finally. In this conversation we cover all those topics, and describe an exciting yet difficult stage in the career of an upcoming superstar-to-be which any musician trying to grow will find interesting, relatable & comforting.
As always, thanks to Benji & Poynton Studios for making the podcast happen, & don’t be shy, make sure to comment below with thoughts + guest requests!
You can now find ‘Hahko Meets Humans’ on all major streaming platforms, including but not limited to Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.
New episode every Sunday.